International Commission of Nuns
The Commission De Monialibus of the General Chapter of Oakland (1989) recommended the appointment of a General Promoter of the Nuns as well as the establishment of an International Commission of Nuns. (#154)
Composition of members: The International Commission consists of 11 representatives from federations and regions (3 from Spain, 1 from France, 1 from Italy, 1 from the rest of Europe, 1 from North America, 1 from Mexico, 1 from South America, 1 from Africa, and 1 from Asia –Pacific). The members of the Commission are proposed by their respective federations and/or regions (a list of three names) and appointed by the Master of the Order for a term of 6 years, in such a way that every three years, half of the members of the commission are replaced. In this way, both continuity and change are equally ensured.
Objectives: Today, together with the General Promoter, Fr Fernando Antonio García Fernández OP, the International Commission plays an important role within the world of the nuns of the Order in terms of promoting greater communication and mutual understanding among the monasteries and providing advice and recommendations for the Master with regard to issues of interest concerning the life of the nuns as well as the cooperation and interaction within the Dominican Family.
Meetings: The international Commission meets annually for a week, in one host monastery, working together under the chairmanship of the General Promoter – the present promoter is Fr Fernando Antonio García Fernández OP. Through these meetings, our vision of the Order and the Nuns is enriched, and our communion in prayer, vocation and common mission, intensified.
International Bulletin- Monialibus: In 2001, the Commission launched the first issue of the International Bulletin of the nuns – Monialibus. The members of the international commission are primarily responsible for collecting information, news and articles from their respective federations or regions. It is published twice a year in English, Spanish and French; it is also available on the website of the Order.
Members of the International Commission
Federation of Our Lady Mother of Africa Africa Sr. Therese Nganatha theresenganatha@yahoo.com
North American Association of Dominican Monasteries United States Sr. Mary Catharine Perry, OP smcatharineop@gmail.com
Federation of Our Lady of the Rosary United States Sr. Mary Lucy Chumura, OP president@lindenopnuns.org
Federation of Holy Mary of Guadalupe Mexico Sor Lorena Barba Franco, OP yesulore@gmail.com
Federation of Mary, Mother of Grace Argentina Sor Estela del Carmen Medina, OP sorestelaop@hotmail.com
Federation of Our Lady of the Rosary Peru Sor Alejandra Gomez Estremadoyro, OP alejandragomezop@hotmail.com
Federation of the Holy Name of Jesus Columbia Sor María del Pilar Gaitán Torres, OP sorpilarg@gmail.com
Federation of St. Dominic de Guzman Ecuador Sor Catalina Almeida, OP catalinaalmeida@hotmail.com
Federation of Our Lady Queen of Peace Asia Sr. Mary Augustine Cruz, OP maugustinecruz@gmail.com
Association of St. Hyacinth Utriusque Sr. Stanislawa Spelechata, OP sspelechata@dominikanie.pl
Federation of St. Dominic Spain Sor Maria Dolres Perez Mesuro, OP fedesantodomingohispania@gmail.com
Federation of the Immaculate Conception Spain Sor Mª Teresa Vilanova Gonzalez, OP tesavilanova@gmail.com
Federation of Our Lady of the Rosary Spain Sor Ana Maria de Jesus Martos Moreno, OP fedebetica@live.com
Federation Madre de Dios Spain Sor Ma de la Iglesia Aristegui, OP federal.madrededios@gmail.com
Federation of Our Lady of Preachers France Soeur Agnès Granjon, OP presidente@dominicaines.org
Federation of St. Dominic Italy Suore Vincenza Panza, OP srvincenza@gmail.com
Federation of St. Catherine of Siena Italy Suore Teresa Olivari, OP teresaop38@yahoo.com
Federation of St. Mary Magdalene Italy Suore Gabriella Mauri, OP gabriellamauri@yahoo.it
General Promoter of the Nuns Fernando García promonial@curia.op.org